I’ve published eighteen books in all, mainly in the UK and the USA with well-known large publishing companies, and then there are five or so which have stayed in manuscript - and probably ought to do so. Several of the books have also been translated into Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish and Chinese, while three were originally written in Italian and one was written in English but only published in Chinese - selling nearly 100,000 copies! Some, like The Inquisition (1984) have been more less continuously in print since they were published. Others are still topical.

The long-term plan is to re-publish most of them as e-books, a project that will take some time since they will benefit from editing to update or otherwise improve them. My one published novel, for example, has been extensively revised and will be republished with a new title since the old one (The Image of Our Lord, 1989) smacked too much of a religious study. See The Last Templar below. That is close to the Spanish translation, El Ultimo Templario, which has been very successful in Spain and Mexico for over a decade. I noticed while recently looking through the translation that some of the redundant sentences and unclear paragraphs were much improved by the translator. This new edition will soon be available on Amazon as an e-book.

In addition, new books will be published as they are completed. Already in the pipeline are a book on the transformation off Cambridge in the 1960s, and a book on the culture of Italian food derived from the personal experience of over 20 years living in Italy and based on the structure of the annual calendar. Seasonal food, but with its cultural and religious meanings. Not just food. I’ve been working on these two books for some time and kept them simmering on the back-burner.

Here is a completely Bibliography so far: